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Data: 11/03/2011

De: Charlies

Assunto: you call this game?

No I do not like egg, are you stupid or what? fools.
You know that imitation gives jail? What if I want to report you now what you do now?

Data: 11/03/2011

De: Marlie

Assunto: O que é isso?

who the fuck is this, that you call the game because to me this is just crap, this is an absurd imitation is pure sonic and mario bros.

Data: 03/03/2011

De: Geoger

Assunto: Village of the Games

My congratulations, you do not even know a great game in 2D.

Data: 03/03/2011

De: James

Assunto: Village of the Games

that these games are crap, you do not even know whether to create a game you own authorship.
To be successful has to have good creativity and a great designer.

Data: 06/02/2011

De: Eu

Assunto: Hum...

Do you like ovo?

Data: 06/02/2011

De: Death Lucas

Assunto: Re:Hum...

Yes *--*

Data: 06/02/2011

De: Death Léo

Assunto: Re:Hum...

Only moved U.U